Students explore the American west on the term-long great west monster course. College of the Atlantic frequently offers courses with a travel component in the US. Most often such programs consist of three linked courses in which students must enroll. The three classes are the only ones taken by the students in that term and the only classes taught by the faculty, enabling students and faculty to travel together.

Programs and classes with extensive travel in the US include:

  • New Mexico: The Unexpected Journey: Art, Literature, and History on the Road in Nuevo Mexico includes three courses emphasizing the interconnected relations of Hispanic, Native, and European influences in the region: Art and Culture in Northern New Mexico, Processing the Unexpected Journey: Aesthetics, Experience, and the Creation of an Interdisciplinary Project, and Native American Literature. Students and faculty travel to New Mexico, where they encounter the dramatic landscapes and visit museums, historic and cultural sites, and settlements.
  • The American West: This course takes an interdisciplinary look at the literature, ecology, and natural history of the western US, with particular focus on water issues and protected lands. The class travels throughout The West as part of the program. The three courses that have been part of this program are: Ecology and Natural History of the American West, in Reading the West, and Wilderness in the West. View photos of the Great West program on Instagram. 
  • Upstate New York: Journey into Substance: Art of the Hudson and New England takes students on a series of expeditions to museum collections, outdoor art parks, and other key sites as they retrace the journeys of those artists who have produced the canon known as the Hudson River School. Through interrogation of these works of art at the very site of their fabrication, students engage with the prospect of vision, conjugation of imaginative capacity, and create thoughtful work. This course requires concurrent registration with The Range of Sublimity in the Artist Mind and Artist/Naturalist/Visionary.