COA Philanthropy Report
This report combines the Annual Report and the Endowment Report.
COA Annual Report
Annual Report FY17 | Annual Report FY12 |
Annual Report FY16 | Annual Report FY11 |
Annual Report FY15 | Annual Report FY10 |
Annual Report FY14 | Annual Report FY09 |
Annual Report FY13 | Annual Report FY08 |
COA Endowment Report
Planned giving at COA
Our planned giving brochure offers detailed information on the host of planned giving vehicles that COA offers. To discuss, contact the Dean of Institutional Advancement at 207-801-5620. We can discuss your philanthropic aims and together, we can find the perfect choice for you and your family.
Endowing a chair
The Endowed Chair Policy will serve as the general terms of reference for creating endowed chairs at College of the Atlantic. Approval of this policy and any subsequent changes to it are the responsibility of the COA Board of Trustees.
COA gift acceptance guidelines
College of the Atlantic is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Because we rely on donations large and small to carry out our mission, we want our supporters to know how we manage such gifts of all kinds with our Gift Acceptance Policy Guidelines.
College of the Atlantic is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (tax ID#23-7032625). Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.