College of the Atlantic’s Audio-visual Services offers both consumer and professional audio and visual equipment and support to staff, faculty, students, library patrons, and summer events. Equipment is available to both COA and approved non-COA community members (rental fees may apply).

Audio-visual enhanced facilities at COA

Classrooms, Cushman Media Center & Deering Common Community Center

TVs, VHS/DVD players, overheads, and screens are available in most classrooms. Most classrooms include LCD projectors and stereo receivers. Additional LCD projectors are available for check out at the library. All classroom equipment can be accessed by anyone on campus with the exception of equipment in the Putnam Room, the Cushman Media Center, and Deering Common. These systems may be locked at various times throughout the year.

Thomas S. Gates, Jr. Community Center

Gates Community Center Senior Project Presentation The Thomas S. Gates, Jr. Community Center is regularly used for classes, lectures, performances, and large meetings. It has a stage with optional podium, ample seating on the main floor and balcony, a lighting and sound booth, and digital projector with screen.

AV support for Gates events

The equipment in the Gates Community Center sound booth is run by the AV Technology Specialist and trained AV library work study students to both amplify sound and provide lighting support for events.

Support for events must be requested two weeks before the event is scheduled to ensure coverage. None of the equipment in the sound booth can be circulated but some can be moved to other parts of campus to provide sound reinforcement to events outside of Gates Community Center.