Course reserves are course-related materials set aside for short-term lending.

Placing Items on Course Reserves

What is accepted for course reserves?
  1. Any item in the public domain.
  2. Books in the library collection.
  3. Copied portions of books and journals determined to meet a fair use interpretation.
  4. Tests, quizzes, instructional material, etc., created by the instructor.
  5. Items for which the instructor holds copyright.
  6. Personal books of the instructor.
  7. Student work with the student’s written consent. (Please submit the consent notice with the work you wish to have placed on reserve.)
What is not accepted for library reserves?
  1. Compilations of articles bound together or course packs without copyright approval.
  2. Portions of consumable works, such as workbooks. The original workbook in its entirety may be placed on reserve if owned by the library or instructor.
  3. Materials accessible on the web, including articles from subscription-based databases. (Library staff will help you identify persistent links to articles for your students.)
  4. Books from interlibrary loan.
How do I submit course reserves?

Please print the following PDF forms and bring them to the library with your reserve items.

  1. Form for Articles and Book Chapters
  2. Form for Books and Films

Borrowing Items on Course Reserves

Where are the course reserves?

Most items are behind the library’s Circulation Desk.  Items with a 3-day checkout period are inside the library’s Reading Room on the left.

How long can I borrow course reserves?

There are three loan periods. They are identified by a colored strap or tape.

  • RED = 4-hour loan period. Items checked out within four hours of closing must be returned by 8 a.m. the next morning.  (There is a book drop outside Kaelber Hall.)
  • YELLOW = Overnight loan period, due back by 8 a.m. the next day.
  • GREEN = 3-day loan period, due back by 8 a.m. the 4th day.
Do I have to checkout course reserves I am using in the library?

Yes. All items must be checked out at the Circulation Desk, even if you are just using the item in the library. This helps us keep track of these high-demand materials.

Can I renew reserve items?


What happens if reserve items are returned late?

Thorndike Library does not charge fines.  You cannot borrow additional items until overdue items are returned.  Material on course reserves is for the shared use of the entire class. Your classmates appreciate your sensitivity to their needs and returning reserve items on time.