Enter new course information below. This form constitutes a request for a new course approval from the Academic Affairs Committee. All fields with * are required. Please note that visiting faculty need to be available to teach two times per week, every week for our ten-week term. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. proposed_course_title required text field Proposed Course Title* Please keep your proposed title to 60 characters or less, including spaces. faculty_name required text field Faculty Name* current_email_address required e-mail address field Current Email Address* current_phone_number required text field Current Phone Number* current_physical_or_mailing_ad required textarea field Current physical or mailing address* will_this_course_be_team_taugh required select menu field Will this course be team taught?* No Yes if_so_additional_faculty_names text field If so, additional faculty name(s): which_terms_will_this_course_b required text field Which term(s) will this course be taught?* proposed_course_description required textarea field Proposed Course Description* Write one paragraph that summarizes what students will learn in this class, how they will learn, and how they will be evaluated. AAC encourages faculty to write general descriptions so they need not be revised when slightly different versions of a class are offered. Suggested word limit 150-250. how_will_students_in_this_cour required textarea field How will students in this course be evaluated?* Example: "Assessment will be based on evidence that the student has completed assignments and readings; and, active and meaningful participation in seminar discussions." please_choose_the_level_that_b required select menu field Please choose the level that best describes this course.* Introductory Introductory/Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate/Advanced Advanced prerequisites_what_prior_cours required text field Prerequisites: what prior coursework, skills, or knowledge do students need prior to enrolling in this course?* If there are no prerequisites, please write "none". permission_of_instructor_requi required select menu field Permission of instructor required?* No Yes if_yes_please_provide_rational textarea field If yes, please provide rationale for why it needs to be Permission of Instructor and what criteria you will use to determine if students qualify for this class. lab_fee required text field Lab Fee* Enter "0" if there is no lab fee. indicate_purpose_of_lab_fee_-- textarea field Indicate purpose of lab fee -- e.g. materials, fieldtrips, etc. class_size_limit required text field Class Size Limit* maximum_class_size_is_15_pleas textarea field Maximum class size is 15; please provide rationale for class limit smaller than 12: short_bio_please_write_a_one_p textarea field Short Bio: Please write a one paragraph bio -- what you'd like the COA community to know about you. file attachment field Upload your current resume/CV (50 MB max) college_of_the_atlantic_facult required text field College of the Atlantic Faculty Contact?* Please list the name(s) of faculty at COA that you have been in touch with regarding this course. Link (required) Save & Share: