High spirits and solid preparation made sure one of College of the Atlantic’s most cherished traditions unfolded swimmingly, despite inclement weather twice delaying the annual event. Bar Island Swim 2016 College of the Atlantic students, faculty, and other participants wait for Bar Island Swim 2016 to commence. Two members of the Safety Team at College of the Atlantic’s Bar Island Swim 2016 await the beginning of the event. Participants in College of the Atlantic’s Bar Island Swim 2016 enter the water as the event kicks off. Two participants in Bar Island Swim 2016 make their way to the finish at the College of the Atlantic pier. Allied Whale director and College of the Atlantic Stephen K. Katona Chair in Marine Sciences Sean Todd leads a crew of Safety Team members at the Bar Island Swim 2016. A participant in College of the Atlantic’s Bar Island Swim 2016 braves the waters at 59 degrees Fahrenheit. Two College of the Atlantic students share a laugh after completing the 2016 Bar Island Swim. Two College of the Atlantic students pause and wave during their participation in the 2016 Bar Island Swim. A participant in College of the Atlantic’s Bar Island Swim 2016 returns to the COA pier while members of the Safety Team stand by with towels and hot chocolate. College of the Atlantic students rush off the COA pier to warm up after completing Bar Island Swim 2016. Members of the Safety team at College of the Atlantic’s Bar Island Swim 2016 help make sure the event unfolds smoothly. A pair of College of the Atlantic students rejoice after completing the 2016 Bar Island Swim. A College of the Atlantic student helps himself to hot chocolate at Bar Island Swim 2016. Two Bar Island Swim 2016 participants hoist themselves out of the chilly ocean waters onto the College of the Atlantic pier. A participant in College of the Atlantic’s Bar Island Swim 2016 savors a cup of coffee while warming up after the event. A College of the Atlantic student endures waters at 59 degrees Fahrenheit at the 2016 Bar Island Swim. Participants in the 2016 Bar Island Swim at College of the Atlantic are greeted with warm towels and congratulations upon completing the event. A College of the Atlantic student grins in celebration of completing the 2016 Bar Island Swim. Related: Bar Island Swim: Looking back on 25 yearsAllied Whale Home Save & Share: Twitter Facebook Email Copy Link