Course code:
This course is an investigation of how we consume and are consumed by music. Topics include youth and subcultures of music, power and identity, the politics of location, and fan cultures. We will listen to punk rock, hip hop, riot grrrl, shoegaze, noise, psych, death metal, doom drone, post rock, grindcore and pop (among others); we will analyze visual artists who come to represent musical movements (such as Raymond Pettibon & Winston Smith, Fab 5 Freddy & Cey Adams) and we will read socio-cultural criticism of the times and places from which these artists sprang (Joan Didion, Steve Waksman, Theodor Adorno, Tobi Vale, Kathleen Hanna and Kevin Young). The class will explore analogue artifacts from the 70s, 80s & 90s (posters, zines, fine art, videos) and compare them to digital artifacts found today on the internet. Students are required to attend all weekly film screenings and sound sessions. Evaluations will be based on regular critical responses, a final project and participation in discussion and class activities.
Always visit the Registrar's Office for the official course catalog and schedules.