Course code:



M - Intermediate

Class size limit:


Meets the following requirements:

  • HS - Human Studies

Lab fee:


Typically offered:

Upon occasion

Students will explore the differences and similarities between genocides and ethnic cleansings; why people join resistance groups; why other countries intervene or fail to intervene to stop genocide; and whether post genocide reconciliation is effective. The course will focus on several genocides or ethnic cleansings from different parts of the globe: for example, toward American Indians in the US, Chinese in Nanking, Jews, Roma and others during the Holocaust, Muslims in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Tutsi people (and a smaller number of Hutus) in Rwanda. Students will be evaluated based on short written responses to readings, in class discussion, two papers and a final project. The final project will explore the topics in the course through fiction, poetry, art, film, advocacy, interviews or other forms of expression. The course readings will be a mix of scholarly writing about genocide, first person accounts and perhaps some fiction and poetry. We will also watch and discuss videos. Class sessions will involve discussions with all of us together and also in small group discussions between students. The focus on both resistance and reconciliation are important in their own right but also will provide the students and me with the opportunity to temper the highly disturbing material on genocide by focusing on the remarkable courage of individuals both during and after genocide has run its course.



Always visit the Registrar's Office for the official course catalog and schedules.