Course code:
This course will examine bias directed at religions in the contemporary United States. In this course we will examine our own religious identities as well as the stereotypes we have about religions. We will also probe the level and impact of bias toward a number of religions in the US, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, members of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, Catholics, members of new religious movements, Jews, and Muslims. This course will address timely and controversial issues including the relationship between religion and laws and policies affecting the LGBTQ population, immigration, and terrorism. Finally, conflict resolution efforts both in Kosovo, aimed at resolving tensions and violence between Albanian Muslims and Serbian Orthodox Christians, and in Northern Ireland, addressing animosity and violence between Catholics and Protestants, will prompt a discussion of approaches for reducing anti-religious bias.
Students will be evaluated on three papers (a paper on each student’s religious or non-religious identity, a research paper on a topic chosen by each student, and an opinion editorial), class discussion, and short written assignments relating to the readings for the course.
Always visit the Registrar's Office for the official course catalog and schedules.