Course code:
This course will explore the challenge and value of living in an integrated community as part of a place-based experience on a farm on Marsh Stream in Monroe, Maine. “Integrated Living” is the realm where the personal and professional overlap beyond expected customs. Students will be pushed to engage with their community outside of class time, and will have the opportunity to study their own lived experience through an academic lens. Communication, emotional intelligence, curiosity and empathy, giving and receiving feedback, developing self-awareness, engaging meaningfully with difference, and facilitating systems-level change are all topics students will study in this course. Students will engage in weekly mindfulness and reflection exercises to develop skills for intentionally participating in the community outside of classroom time, with frequent peer-teaching and peer-evaluation opportunities. In their final project, students will explore how integrated living applies to their lives outside of academia. Students will also learn a variety of basic skills in outdoor living (navigation, emergency first aid, Leave No Trace). This course will have a strong focus on emotional intelligence as a core leadership skill, and explore a variety of related topics in leadership. Students will be evaluated on written reflections, oral presentations, three small group projects and an individual final project.
Permission of instructor, and co-enrollment in ES1072 Chemistry and Biology of Food and Drink and ES2043 Interpreting Maine’s Changing Landscape.
Always visit the Registrar's Office for the official course catalog and schedules.