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Ask me about...

Acadia, philanthropy, my lifelong love for College of the Atlantic

Before COA

COA has been an enduring presence in my life since I attended as a student from 1998 - 2000. After a three-year stint as the COA alumnx development and relations coordinator from 2003 - 2006, I spent the past 15 years working at the nexus of philanthropy, sustainability, and conservation for wonderful organizations including Friends of Acadia, the Institute for Sustainable Communities, and the Green Mountain Club.

Collaborating with donors and volunteers to advance organizations that are building a better world has always been passion of mine. And now, in 2021, I am returning to COA to help strengthen and advance the college’s mission and the study of human ecology. Please reach out if you would like to connect. My door in Turrets is open, as is my phone line and email inbox.