Getting here:

I was supposed to do a fall fly-in, but COVID hit and stopped that plan. With nothing to do I trekked up here in the middle of March to visit. I saw Acadia for the first time when it was still covered in layers of ice, and there was something so magical about looking out over the Porcupine Islands, standing on top of Cadillac, and just existing in such a solitary place.


FA21: Little Magazines, Cold War: the Early Years, Human Ecology Core Course

WI22: College Seminar: Practical Skills in Community Development, Architecture in the Expanded Field, Four-Dimensional Studio

SP22: Introduction to Oceanography, Biology: Form and Function, Public Speaking Workshop

FA22: Satanic Verses, Ecology: Natural History, Methods of Tutoring Writing Across the Curriculum 

WI23: Then the Queen Died of Grief: The Craft of Plot, Introduction to Songwriting, Life Stories: Memory, Family, and Place 

FA23: Trees and Shrubs of MDI, Ecologies of Cities, Chaos and Fractals

Life on Mount Desert Island:

There is always something to do or new things to find through exploration. I love searching the inter-tidal zone and finding shells and bones, dragging my friends through the mud to find a shipwreck, walking up a random mountain, or just finding weird things around town

Activities, traditions, celebrations:

I work for the school sponsored literary press Bateau, so anytime we have a finished product is cause for a great celebration :)

Also, I love community dinner on Sunday nights with my housemates, and doing spontaneous trips to places like Common Ground County Fair with them

COA might be the right college for you if...

You struggle in a traditional school setting


Flower blooms and changing leaves