Course code:




Class size limit:


Meets the following requirements:

  • ADS - Arts & Design Studio

Lab fee:


Typically offered:

Upon occasion

Interested in learning about music theory? Want to learn how to better explain your songs to other musicians? Hoping to return to an instrumental practice that you have neglected lately, or to begin studying a new instrument? Have a group of musicians looking to take your performance practice to the next level? Musicianship is an applied theory-practice course for students interested in developing their skills as instrumentalists, composers, vocalists, songwriters, beatmakers, or sound designers. Students will work independently (or in small groups) to create and implement a syllabus that reflects their specific music-learning goals. Throughout the term, students will meet with the professor for weekly tutorials as they progress toward those goals. Bi-weekly full group workshops will focus on key lessons in musicianship: applied music theory, rhythmic awareness, song analysis, music production, etc. Students are welcome to sign up individually or in groups (e.g., a string quartet, a songwriting partnership, or a band would be welcome to sign up together). A final project will be determined in consultation with the professor. A contract grading agreement will be written between the student and instructor at the beginning of the term. At the term’s close, students will write a self-assessment letter reflecting on how successfully they progressed towards their learning goals. Each student (or small group) will need to write a clear proposal of what they intend to focus on. Please write Jonathan an email outlining your proposed project to gain permission to join the class.



Always visit the Registrar's Office for the official course catalog and schedules.