Black-browed albatross

Diomedia melanophris


For images, click on thumbnail to enlarge (all photographs © Sean K. Todd 2000, use by permission only)

Black-browed albatross


Black-browed albatross

Black-browed albatross chick


On the cruise we saw three species of albatross: the Royal albatross, the Wandering albatross, and the black-browed albatross. We had the opportunity to see nesting black-browed albatross at New Island, in the Falklands, 51°44'S, 57°49'W (see map). Albatross are supreme gliders, many species with wingspans over 10ft, modified to maximize the updrafts and thermals over the open ocean. In comparison to other birds, albatross hardly ever beat their wings, and often the best time to see them is during rough weather, when high waves create strong updrafts (Hosking and Sage 1982).


A nesting pair of Black-browed albatross. Nikon F3AF with 300mm Nikkor Lens, Fujichrome 100ASA

A nesting Black-browed albatross. Nikon F3AF with 300mm Nikkor Lens, Fujichrome 100ASA.

A Black-browed albatross chick. Nikon F3AF with 300mm Nikkor Lens, Fujichrome 100ASA.