Writing Center Resources for Faculty & Staff
Request A Presentation or Workshop
Got writing assignments and presentations? Need help to facilitate and support your students’ learning? Not sure how to help students navigate citations and revisions? Writing Center tutors are happy to visit your class to talk about these topics. You can request short informative presentations about the Writing Center and longer workshops tailored to your class and assignments. Please submit your request at least 2 weeks prior.
Our tutors can support your students’ with every aspect of course assignments:
* leading peer-review sessions
* brainstorming and outlining projects (students do not have to have anything prepared)
* drafting and revising strategies
* making final edits prior to submission
* navigating citation style guides & citation practices
* refining their writing in different ways (stylistic choices)
*making final edits and polishing their papers
Use the Request A Presentation or Workshop Google Form to submit a request to the writing center.
Request Writing Center Liaison Support
Anyone who’s teaching a class can request tutors to serve as Writing Center Liaisons (WLCs) who can to help your students with any aspect of writing, research, and presentations. The Writing Center Liaisons will act as the point of contact for your students so they can get support (note that they are not TAs).
Examples of how you can work with Writing Center Liaisons:
Examples of how you can work with Writing Center Liaisons:
- Mandatory meetings with the WLCs can be built into any of your assignments. For instance, ask your students to meet with the WLC after peer-review workshops to navigate the feedback and create a revision plan. Or, if they are working on annotated bibliographies, maybe they need someone to help them evaluate sources or navigate databases.
- If students are working on a research or project proposals, the WLCs can help your students figure out the research design and work as a sounding board.
- You can ask your students to meet with WLCs to prepare for a presentation (e.g., practice run to check body language, flow of the presentation, and so on).
There are other ways that you could work with the Writing Center depending on your needs and how you want the WCLs to support your students. Just reach out to us.
Submit your request(s) no later than the first week of the term you’re teaching the class. You will hear from from Su Yin Khor (skhor@coa.edu) to discuss further details and to answer questions you might have.
*Note that WCLs are not TAs. They will not run labs or attend your classes. They are simply the point of contact to help students in your course(s) and will have information about your course so they know how to support your students. If you want tutors to come in and run a workshop on revisions, share Writing Center resources, etc., you can request a separate workshop/presentation.
Use the Request Writing Center Liaison Support Google Form to submit a request to the writing center.