Report an Incident

If you have questions about reporting, the Title IX Coordinator wants to help you get the answers. The Coordinator knows that individuals who have decided or are thinking about moving ahead with a Title IX process need to get a handle on what the process is and how it will unfold. The Coordinator also knows that the written Title IX policies are long and complicated, and it is the Coordinator’s job to help you understand them.

If you’re thinking about or have decided to file a report with the College, we suggest you set up a time to meet with the Title IX Coordinator by emailing Puranjot Kaur or by calling (207) 288-5015, ext. 5614. The Coordinator has a private office located in the second floor of the Turrets Annex. Please note: This office is not ADA accessible. If you need to meet in an alternative location, please contact the Title IX Coordinator who will make arrangements for private place to meet.

To help you decide whether you want to meet with the Coordinator or to prepare for that meeting, here is some general information about the process.

For more information about the Adjudication Process, please click here.

A case will not automatically go ahead

If you decide to talk to the Coordinator about your case, a formal process will not automatically go ahead. The Coordinator wants to empower your goals. Only in limited situations involving imminent risks of harm to the survivor or the community does the Coordinator have to take steps when that is not the survivor’s choice.

Support person/advisor

Both parties have a right to have a support person/advisor of their choosing present during meetings and hearings related to the claim. As a general matter, the support person/advisor should not be a witness in the case. Also, with some exceptions, the support person/advisor is not allowed to advocate in the process - for example, object to questions that are asked during an investigation interview.

Report an incident to the college

There are two primary ways to report an incident of sexual misconduct or gender-based violence and other violations of Title IX:

1. Contact the Title IX Coordinator

To make a report or to understand the reporting process, contact the Title IX Coordinator in person, over the phone, or by email.

Puranjot Kaur, Title IX Coordinator and HR Support
(207) 288-5015, ext. 5614
Office: Second Floor Turrets Annex 

2. Make a report online

You may also choose to report the incident using the Sexual Misconduct and Gender-Based Violence Report Form. Reporters may remain anonymous through this online form.

Required reporting by college employees

College employees* must report possible sexual misconduct to Puranjot Kaur, the Title IX Coordinator, to make sure that the impacted individual is offered appropriate resources and necessary protection. Responsible employees should not disclose information to local law enforcement.

*Practitioners from COA’s Counseling Services and our on-campus Nurse Practitioner can keep the information disclosed to them privileged and confidential.

Reporting to the police

Here is some guidance if you are considering reporting to the police:

AMHC Sexual Assault Services
24/7 Helpline: 1-800-871-7741

Navigating the law enforcement reporting process can be complicated. COA strongly recommends that individuals interested in exploring this option contact AMHC. Advocates will explain and help guide you through the process, including whether evidence preservation is an option.

On-Campus Public Safety 
Dan Daigle, Director of Public Safety: (207) 801-5690
COA Emergency Line: (207) 288-9001
Emergency Police Response: 911

How do I preserve evidence of a sexual assault?

The primary method of preserving physical evidence is a forensic examination performed by a specially trained SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner) healthcare provider.

The main purpose of the exam is to collect evidence that could help in an ongoing or later criminal investigation/prosecution. However, the SAFE provider may provide medication to prevent pregnancy or certain sexually transmitted infections.

How soon after an assault should I obtain an exam?
As soon as possible. Generally, evidence can be collected only up to 96 hours after the incident.

How do I arrange an exam?
Call AMHC Sexual Assault Services. Advocates are available to go with survivors and significant others to medical and forensic examinations when reporting to law enforcement, and any legal processes. The advocate’s job is to support the survivor and offer information or explanations about any of the systems a survivor encounters.

What can I do to preserve evidence before an exam?
If possible, try not to bathe, brush your teeth, eat, or drink (don’t worry if you’ve already done so). Put clothes worn during the incident (and any other evidence, such as sheets) in a clean paper bag (plastic can destroy evidence). If you think you were drugged, urinate in a cup ASAP and write down the date/time of urination.

If I undergo an exam, do I have to pursue criminal prosecution?
No. Federal law guarantees a free forensic medical exam even if you end up choosing not to report to or cooperate with law enforcement.