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Faculty Page - Sean K. Todd, Ph.D.

Welcome! I'm a professor in the science resource area of College of the Atlantic, specializing in marine biology, oceanography, and marine mammal science. In addition, I work as a senior researcher in Allied Whale, a marine mammal research facility that conducts annual studies in the northern Gulf of Maine, as well as participating in internationally collaborative studies in the North Atlantic and the Antarctic.

My principle research areas include behavioral ecology, foraging and diet studies (using stable isotopes), and bioacoustics. Primary research species include the humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and finback whale (Balaenoptera physalus), species commonly found in the vicinity of Mount Desert Rock, College of the Atlantic's offshore marine research field station. Previous to my work at College of the Atlantic, I spent 10 years in Newfoundland working at the Whale Research Group. Much of my work in Canada examined marine mammal-fishery interactions, designing and testing acoustic alarms for fishing gear, and helping to release entrapped animals from nets. A more extensive biography of my work is also available.

Another of my passions is the study of marine culture and the environment. On this web site you can read about my recent experiences in the Antarctic, with trips upon the M/S Explorer as a guest scientist in '01, and as a lecturer/field naturalist in '03. I will using much of my experience in the field to help inform a team-taught class with John Anderson, Ecology and Literature of the Sea, in Fall '03.

You may wish to check out my:



Current research

And finally, you may wish to visit my unprofessional page (about me, family, likes, dislikes, etc.)

At College of the Atlantic, I teach a variety of courses in the sciences, as listed below. The following is a proposed schedule for classes to be offered in the next 2-3 academic years. Nothing concrete here! Some of these classes still require approval from Academic Affairs (marked in red). I = introductory, M = intermediate (requires prerequisites), and A = advanced (suitable mostly for juniors and seniors). For other courses offered by other faculty, you can visit the COA course catalog for environmental sciences, arts and design, or human studies.





Marine Mammal Biology 1 (I/M)

Introduction to Statistics and Research Design (I)

Tutorial: Introduction to Opera

Fisheries and their Management (M)

Introduction to Oceanography (I)

Biology 2: Form and Function (I)


Marine Mammal Biology 1 (I/M)

Advanced Analysis in Biology (M/A)


Introduction to Oceanography (I)

Introduction to Statistics and Research Design (I/M)


Marine Mammal Biology 1 (I/M)

Ecology and Literature of the Sea (M) (tt with john Anderson)

Biology 1: Cells (I)

Fisheries and their Management (M)

Tutorial: Advanced Graduate Statistics (A)

Introduction to Oceanography (I)

Tutorial: Biostatistics (I/M)


Marine Mammal Biology 1 (I/M)

Soundscape (tt with Nancy Andrews) M

Introduction to Statistics and Research Design (I/M)


Marine Mammal Biology 2 (M)


Marine Mammal Biology 1 (I/M)

Ecology and Literature of the Sea (M) (tt with john Anderson)


Introduction to Oceanography (I)

Introduction to Statistics and Research Design (I/M)


Polar Ecology and Exploration (M)

Biology 1: Cells (I)

Fisheries and their Management (M)

Introduction to Oceanography (I)

Sensory Ecology and Animal Communcation (A)

Resources for students can be found for each by following the appropriate link. Some of these courses do not have web pages for them yet.

Marine Studies

Introduction to Marine Mammalogy

Marine Mammals Advanced Seminar

Field Studies in Marine Mammalogy

Introduction to Oceanography

Fisheries and their Management

Polar Biology (coming soon!)

Interdisplinary Studies


The Natural History of Newfoundland (coming soon!)

Ecology and Literature of the Sea

Quantitative Studies

Introduction to Statistics and Research Design

Advanced Analysis in Biology (aka Advanced Statistics, or Stats 2)

Biological Studies

Biology 1

Biology 2

Sensory Ecology and Animal Communication

Tutorials/Independent Studies

An Introduction to Opera


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