Most college spaces are available for community members to reserve and use during the academic year—pending their availability. Exceptions include administrative offices, the kitchen, the residence halls, and at their discretion, faculty offices. The academic class schedule has priority over other uses.

To reserve space on campus during the school year: 

  • Create a user profile in Skedda or connect to COA with an existing account by following this link.
  • View the Booking grid at to check for obvious space conflicts
  • Contact the Academic Services Administrator, Lothar Holzke, for approval* and to complete a booking: ext. 5631 or email
  • Student activities or events open to the public should be added to the web calendar. If you need help adding your event, contact Ingrid Hill in student life or the web team at
  • If a student is planning an event unaffiliated with an organization, they must obtain and fill out a Student Initiated Independent Party Form, to be turned in prior to the event to Student Life for review and approval.
  • To reserve a senior project working space for the term, click here.
  • Before finalizing your plans, be sure to contact the appropriate people from the list below, as determined by your event details:
    • For clearance of all publicity: Rob Levin, Director of Communications
    • For dinning services or Take-a-Break use: student life team at
    • To reserve any other spaces on campus or to request approval for use of a fire pit: Lothar Holzke, Academic Services Administrator
    • For notice of all events that will bring the public on-campus and require parking or space set up: Dan Daigle, Director of Campus Planning, Buildings, and Public Safety
    • For audio-visual needs: Zach Soares, Audio Visual Technology Specialist

Community members should be considerate of others’ needs and be careful to maintain the spaces in good condition.

*Self-service booking: Members of the COA community can book the Leadership Room, Counseling Office, or Meditation Room in Deering on-demand without administrative approval. Follow the above link to create your account and reserve either of those rooms at

To reserve space on campus during the summer:

Contact Katie Hodgkins,

To reserve use of a COA firepit:

Anyone wishing to utilize either of the two firepits on campus must receive prior approval by COA’s Academic Services Administrator and B&G at least 2 business days in advance to allow for adequate notification and safety preparation. Only persons affiliated with the College may request use of the firepits. Students must additionally have a faculty or staff sponsor present during the event or function until the fire is extinguished. While the exact number may vary, we generally require that participation be limited to 10-12 community members. Please fill out the below form to formally request approval to use a COA firepit:

Submission will prompt review by Academic Services and Buildings & Grounds. Requests must be received at least 2 business days in advance of the event. Contact with questions or concerns.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
required e-mail address field
required radio button field
I am a*
text field
(if requesting as a student)
required date/time field
Date & time of the event*
required radio button field
Which firepit?*
required text field